New Subscriber Instructions
First you must purchase a subscription from the Human Angel website.
Click on the button that says Subscribe and purchase a subscription of your choice.
See picture below:
If you purchased a subscription already see the Instructions below:
1) Go to the website:
2) On the website look a the top right of the screen you will see LOGIN/SIGN UP click on that!
3) You will see a LOG IN form, but at the bottom of the form it will say “Don’t have an account? Sign Up? Click on the Sign Up.
4) Fill in the form and click GO. Once the form is submitted HAS staff will review and make sure the subscription is valid and has been purchased. (This could take up to 24 hours for approval)
5) Once your application is approved, you will receive an email with the subject “your registration has been approved”. You can now LOG IN.
6) After you have received the approval email, go back to the Human Angel website and click on LOGIN/ SIGN UP button at the top of the website.
7) You will see Log In form, fill in your email and password you choose when signing up. Than click on GO you should be logged in now.
8) Now you can go to the Page SITE MAP and see all the pages that our available for you in the brown and blue dots. Enjoy your membership!
Thank you for subscribing and becoming a Real Human Angel !